Equipment and cursed objects used for magic

 Equipment and cursed objects used for magic

When it comes to witchcraft and obscurity, Western and Eastern relations differ from each other, but there were tactics that were more or less similar.  By the 1890s, dealings with the dead had become widespread in Latin America, as well as in several European countries and in Britain.  During World War II, these methods and techniques developed with the desire to reconcile the bereaved and to deal with the dead.

These witches  enjoyed harassing people with various darknesses.  Among the many things used by the witches  for this purpose, they were interested in spreading the cursed goods all over the country with various markings.  After the death of other evil spirits or demons, the devil himself harmed the recipients, destroying families and sometimes even killing them.

 You can see in the photos a few cursed items with different marks and some marks.

     A statue used for a dangerous witchcraft
A coin used for a dangerous witchcraft 

Witchcraft Doll

                          Cursed marks

these are very dangerous marks and it is very dangerous to keep any item with these marks

 This picture shows a sign that the devil used for Latin obscurity has been bound.

 Although the Five-pointed star is considered to be something that can be protected from the demons, it loses its power when combined with the above sign.

Okay see you again ❤️ 

Our next topic is witchcraft 

    Shandrow liyon


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