
Showing posts from January, 2020

seeking For Englightenment

Seeking  For  Englightenment  After leaving the big place , prince Siddhartha dressed himself in simple robes. prince Siddhartha went from house to house with his alms blow to look for food just like other monks . He was now called Ascetic Gothama. Gothama wanted to find a way out of suffering . He met two bed teachers. Being a good ,kind and clever student, he soon learnt all their teachings. However ,Gothama still colud not find a correct answer to his problem. Gothama decided to find the truth in his own way. Seeking  For  Englightenment   Soon ascetic Gothama was joined by his five good freinds . Kondancha , Wappa, Badhdhiya,Mahanama and Assaji are freind of Gothama .They served him and followed his example For long six years, Ascetic Gothana toured his body untill he became very very thin.He almost died .Yet,he colud not find a way out of suffering. Gothama come to know this not correct way for his problem. He decided to take som...

China Coronavirus

China  Coronavirus What is the virus This virus, which spread about five years ago.  Investigators say they were spread by camels or snakes.  The virus spreads further in animals.  Chinese authorities have therefore banned animal feeding.  It is believed that the virus is likely to spread quickly to regional countries. Treatment   Sadly, we have not been able to find an antivirus or a cure for Nitta. According to foreign sources, the virus is being tested for antivirus in the United States.  It is doubtful that the antivirus was given to China. To the island status The prevalence of the virus in these islands is very low.  The virus is less likely to spread without the presence of a carrier by air and sea travel.  However, according to the World Health Organization, the virus is more likely to spread. Symptoms  of the disease    1. fever  2. sore throat  3. headach...


Dracula's Grandson. 😈  Dracula is that everyone knows that   is a bloodthirsty monster.  According to some myths, Draculaun may also be a bat.  However, this Dracula is not 100% magic.  Because in the recent past, there have been reports of some people drink with blood. So today I'm not talking about Dracula.  About an animal that sucks blood. Vampire Bats Bats are some of the most amazing creatures in the animal world.  Being a mammal is a specialty of this animal.  Bats, which are nocturnal, belong to the kingdom of animalia. Are all bats blood sucks? In fact, not all bats drink blood. but  special bats family are sucks blood. Blood thirsty bats  The USA is the home of these bloodthirsty vampire bats.  Animal analysts say the animals will eventually expand to Mexico and Brazil.  It has even been reported in foreign media So even though a single bats cannot kill a man, a swar...

History Of SRI LANKAN Farming

History Of  SRI LANKAN  Farming .  In this article we will talk about some of the agricultural implements used in Sri Lanka and sometimes even in India.  These devices are rarely used today. Hoe Used to cut soil and potholes.  These are categorized based on the type of work and the volume. 01.Kola Hoe 02.konda Hoe 03.Poru Hoe 04.Half moon Hoe 05.Rata Hoe 06.Jaffna Hoe 07.Sinhala Hoe 08.Karadiga Hoe Plow Also known as "bin liyanawa", it was mostly used for farming.  This device is used to filter the soil.  The equipment is towed by two bulls. Liyannawa Also known as sickle.  The stalk is used for cutting. Kurahan kaththa Although shaped like a sickle, it is used for cutting kurahans. Poruwa Paddy field should be prepared for spraying and planting paddy. It is used in poruwa.  There are several types of poru. 01.ath Poruwa 02.Maha Poruwa 03.Batha Poruwa Kaththa Used...

āļ…āļ°ිāļš āˇƒූāļģ්‍āļē āļ­ාāļ´āļē āļąිāˇƒා āļŊෝāļš āˇ€ිāļąාāˇƒāļē āˇƒිāļ¯ුāˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?

āļ…āļ°ිāļš  āˇƒූāļģ්‍āļē  āļ­ාāļ´āļē āļąිāˇƒා  āļŊෝāļš āˇ€ිāļąාāˇƒāļē āˇƒිāļ¯ුāˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯? 2012/12/21 āļŊෝāļš āˇ€ිāļąාāˇāļē āˇƒිāļ¯ු āˇ€ීāļ¸āļ§ āļąිāļēāļ¸ිāļ­āˇ€ āļ‡āļ­ි āļļāˇ€āļ§ āļ¸ීāļ§ āˇ€āˇƒāļģ āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļšāļ§ āļ´ෙāļģ āļ¸ුāļŊු āļŊොāˇ€āļ¸ āļšැāˇ…āļšූ āļ’ āļ†āļģංāļ ිāļē āļ”āļļāļ§ āļ¸āļ§ āļ…āļ¸āļ­āļš āļąොāˇ€ෙāļąු āļ‡āļ­. āļ¸ාāļēාāˇ€āļģුāļą්āļœෙ āļ¯ිāļą āļ¯āļģ්āˇāļąāļē āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļą āˇ€āļą āļ‘āļ¯ිāļą āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ¯ āˇ„ේāļ­ුāļą් āļąිāˇƒා āļŊෝāļš āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļąāļē āļēැāļēි āļ‡āļ­ැāļ¸ුāļą් āļąිāˇ€ේāļ¯āļąāļē āļšāļŊāˇ„. āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ­් āļ‘āļē āļ¸ුāļŊාāˇ€āļš් āļļāˇ€āļ§ āļ´āˇƒāļš් āļšāļģāļ¸ිāļą් āļŊෝāļšāļēා āļ…āļ¯āļ§āļ­් āļąොāļąැāˇƒී āļ´āˇ€āļ­ිāļēි. āļ‡āļ­්āļ­āļ§āļ¸ āļŊෝāļš āˇ€ිāļąාāˇƒāļēāļš් āˇƒිāļ¯ු āˇ€ිāļē āˇ„ැāļšිāļ¯?  āļšෙāļąෙāļšුāļ§ āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļ´ැāļąāļē āļ¸āļąāˇƒāļ§ āˇ€āļ¯ āļ¯ෙāļ­්āļ¸ āļ”āˇ„ු āˇ„ෝ āļ‡āļē āļļොāˇ„ො āļąිāļœāļ¸āļąāļēāļą් āˇ€āļŊāļ§ āļ‘āļŊෙāļļෙāļ­ි.āļ’ āļŊෝ āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļąāļē āļšෙāļŊෙāˇƒāļš āˇƒිāļ¯ුāˇ€ෙāļą්āļąෙāļ¯ැāļēි āļēāļą āļ´ැāļąāļēāļ§ āļąිāļœāļ¸āļąāļēāļą් āˇƒොāļēāļ¸ිāļąි.āļ¸ේ āļ…āļ­ුāļģිāļą් āļŊෝāļš āˇ€ිāļąාāˇƒāļē āˇ€ිāļē āˇ„ැāļš්āļšෙ āļšෙāļŊෙāˇƒāļšāļ¯ැāļēි āļšිāļēා āˇ€ැāļŠි āļ¯ෙāļąා āļ´āˇ€āˇƒāļą āļ¸āļ­āļēāļą් āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļšි . 01. 2012 world end āļ ිāļ­්‍āļģāļ´āļ§āļēේ   āļ‡āļ¸ෙāļģිāļšා āļ‘āļš්āˇƒāļ­් āļĸāļąāļ´āļ¯āļēේ "āļģීāˇƒ්āļ§් āļ‡āļą්āļœිāļŊිāļēා" āˇƒāļģāˇƒāˇ€ිāļēේ āļ´āļģ්‍āļēේāˇ‚āļšāļēිāļą් āˇƒිāļ¯ු āļšāļģāļą āļŊāļ¯āļ´āļģීāļš්āˇ‚āļĢāļš āļ´්‍āļģāļ­ිāļĩāļŊāļēāļš් āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą් āļ”āˇ€ුāļą් āļ´ෙāļą්āˇ€ා āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąෙ . āļ´ෘāļŽිāˇ€ිāļēේ āļ‡āļ­ි āļĸāļŊāļē āˇƒිāļēāļŊ්āļŊāļ¸ āļ´ාāˇ„ේ āˇ€ාāˇ්āļ´ āˇ€ීāļ¸ෙāļą් āļ´ෘāļŽිāˇ€ිāļēේ āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļąāļē āˇƒිāļ¯ුāˇ€āļą āļļāˇ€āļēි. āļ†āļšාāļģāļēේ āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ¯ āˇ€ූ āˇƒ්āˇ€āļˇාāˇ€ිāļš āˇ€ිāļ´āļ­් āˇ„ා āˇƒිāļ¯්āļ°ි āļ¯ාāļ¸āļēāļšිāļą්. 02. āļ´ිāļ§āˇƒāļš්āˇ€āļŊ āļ´්‍āļģāˇ„ාāļģāļēāļšිāļą් 03.āļŊෝāļš āļēුāļ¯්āļ°āļēāļšිāļą්.          ...
History of Sri Lankan Aviation Technology Current aviation technology is second only to past aviation technology. . .The modern aviation industry began with the donation of the wright brothers. SRI LANKA is the world's leading provider of aviation technology over 2500 years ago . King Rawana's Technology . There are three main ways of powering aircraft 01. Gyroscope 02. Electricity 03. Mercury The main type of aircraft used by King Rawana is known as "Vimana". The world famous Ravana King's Dadumonara was designed using the Mayura Danda type of timber brought from India's Himalayas. King Rawana abducted this aircraft from a king named Kuvera. King Rawana flew these aircrafts from the mountains and peaks.  These landing sites are named "Wariyapola".  Ruins of King Rawana's Airport have been unearthed in modern Sri Lanka. Dadumonara The aircraft was powered by solar power and mercury centrifugal force.  These ...